Ball of Nothing

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

For some reason, I felt as if water was a very lonely thing . With no light and only a constant movement without any knowledge about where it could take me, I waited . Dozing off in between, I woke up to the same darkness . Somewhere along the way, the movement stopped too . I finally landed somewhere at the bottom of this vast body of water . Occasionally the current around me would push me a little further but it was nothing more than a gentle nudge .
The bottom of the sea wasn't hard like on the space rock . While the space rock felt uncomfortable to be on, the bed of the sea felt very welcoming . It didn't heat up and wasn't unstable in speed . In fact, the bed of the sea called 'sand' was actually very accommodating . Although it moves, it moves so gradually when the water pushes it . It has a very easy-going personality that I like . Compared to the fast pace of the space rock, I very much prefer the relaxing pace caused by the water .
Push and pull, push and pull . After some time in this comfortable darkness, it was only natural that I fell asleep again .
That was strange .
It was still, unbearable still . On top of that, there was something was trapping me in . Waking up to darkness again, it didn't occur to me that I wasn't at the bottom of the sea for a while until I noticed that there was no water . Where exactly has the water brought me?
I was moving again but compared to the previous two experiences, it was a strange feeling . The tiny vibrations that sometimes came from the bottom gradually became stronger . I didn't know where I was, but I knew I was traveling again . Excited, I waited .
The ride transited from smooth to bumpy very quickly . The tiny vibrations became stronger and it rattled whatever I was in . Unable to move by myself, I crashed into the constricting container . It was worse than the space rock and I decided that I didn't like small and enclosed areas .
The rattling of my prison soon turned into vicious tumbling . Back in space with the rock, I never had a problem with directions . However, with the shaking, rocking and bouncing in all directions without being able to see or escape, I begin to understand what 'feeling sick' meant . The ways of the yellow planet were very different from where I came from . This must be how everything on the yellow planet and Earth was able to move! There was a mysterious force that never stopped .
Oops! Spoke too soon . The rocking and tossing did stop after all while . I vaguely wondered what was going to happen next . Will my prison continue to trap me or was I going to get out of it somehow?
Maybe if I wait, I'll get lucky and whatever that was causing this trap to move will come again . Who knows, it might break this squeezy pace and I'll be free!
But until then, I guess another nap or two wouldn't hurt .