Ball of Nothing

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

The third part of the memory was something that I could actually view this time . While the first two memories existed in darkness, there was some light visible in the third memory in the form of different coloured lights .
These lights didn't have any defined shape and constantly flickered while moving in circular motions around a spot . However, they never crossed the paths of the other lights . They hovered around a space that they can't seem to come close to and I figured that dark space should be where my past self was .
**Author's Note: From here it gets confusing so I'll write it chatroom style . **
Red light: "I say we kill them . It's not worth the effort . "
Blue light: "No, that's a waste . If we use resources to create them, we still need to use resources to end them . I don't like that . "
Yellow light: "I don't know why you're so worked up over this . They don't exist yet so let's just do our best to ensure nothing of that sort happens . Even if it does, I'm sure we'll find a way around it . "
Green light: "You're too carefree! This is why you never get anything done . I say everything needs to be controlled by us . Don't give them free will or power . After all, what we need is a vassal to do what we desire, not think for us . "
Purple light: "That defeats the purpose . Those vassals are meant to help us understand more about ourselves . The only reason why we became separated was because of our different perception . "
White light: "I understand everyone's point of view . However, we are forgetting that it is not our place to make a decision . We're merely providing our insights . Ultimately, the decision lies with our original . "
**Author's Note: Complications end here . Please look forward to bonus chapter / misc . chapter coming soon for character profile . **
It was confusing at first but from the short conversation, I understood . Each light had a different personality . How my past self came up with this brilliant idea was beyond me . It's unclear what the white light meant but I'm guessing my past self found a way to split the consciousness into many parts with varying levels of intelligence .
From the conversation, yellow and red didn't sound very smart . Blue sounded very lazy and green was too aggressive . White and purple are more neutral and balanced, I found myself more comfortable with them .
(Thank you for your input, I will consider this and make a decision later . )
Oh! My past self finally spoke . Amazingly, none of the lights argued and simply faded back into the darkness at the center . I suppose they still respect the original despite everything . Opinions were very tricky things to handle . Many opinions can be given yet it's not easy to know which is right . The only way to find out is to try . . . I learnt that from Namekuji . Sometimes the most ridiculous ideas are the best .
This time, as the memory fragment ended, I felt a sense of familiarity wash over me . Information started flooding into my system and I remembered what the lights were .
Apparently, my past self was severely affected by his unusual reactions to a different opinion . I'd discovered that emotions could cloud judgement and figured a method to isolate the emotions from the mind . Thus the six lights were born .
Red was the colour anger manifested . My past self knew anger from the debate . From what I saw, anger wasn't very good at managing the consequences . It lived in the present, doing as it pleased . It's probably dangerous for me to be angry as I might do something I cannot undo .
Blue was the colour for laziness . I have nothing to say about it because I've indulged in laziness for as long as I remembered .
Yellow was just a mass of happiness with a carefree attitude . I found this emotion most nostalgic . It hasn't been long since I made my way to this yellow planet after hitchhiking a space rock . However, it's been way too long since I've been happy and satisfied without worries about anything .
Green was born from my insecurities . It was something I couldn't bear to look at . Looking at Green made me ill and uncomfortable on the inside . I didn't like it but I couldn't ignore it . This was the part of me I didn't want to look at the most . It was, in lack of words, ugly . No matter how much I understood it, I couldn't bring myself to like it .
Purple was better . In fact, it was the completely opposite of Green . I found myself liking purple as it gave me the feeling of being safe . I felt like I could tell Purple anything and know that Purple would always be there for me .
White was whatI aspired to be . It was calm, collected and knew just what to do to appease everyone . I knew that White was created from a part of my past self and it was disappointing to know that I don't have it now . Maybe with my memories, I would regain some of that confident abilities .
Once the memories and feelings settled, I looked at the notification and paused .
[Do you want to view Memory Fragment 4/6 now? Caution: Not advisable to view without [Wisdom] Blessing . ]